How To Pay Your Fees


Funds can be paid into the Kuranui College bank account and then used to pay school related costs for your child(ren).  All money paid in is lodged into a trust account in the name of your child or family. 

What Kuranui College will do:

  • Transfer the credit balance of your trust account to pay off fees in the order of priority specified below:
  1. Uniform (full payment required to be released, but this can be paid from credit in your Trust)
  2. Trips/Camps
  3. Sports Fees
  4. Take Home Resources
  5. Any other outstanding amount
  • Show any unused funds as a credit balance on the bottom of your fees statement.
  • Carry forward credit balances to the following year
  • Keep authorised signatures on file and check the signature on any notes presented to us authorising use of trust funds
  • Refund you any unused funds in the trust account at the end of your child’s schooling at Kuranui College or process as requested

What Kuranui College will NOT do:

  • Pay out cash from the trust account if your child wants money for lunch or other items
  • Make a payment from your trust account at the request of your child WITHOUT a written request from the authorised parent/caregiver making the payments.

To set up a Trust Account: 

To set up a trust account at Kuranui College, please sign the tear off portion of the Trust Account form below and return to the College office. You can then set up your automatic payments or pay a one off fee using online banking: 

Branch: Westpac, Masterton
Account number: 03 0609 0080661 00

Please ensure you include your student’s name as a reference when using online banking so that we can correctly identify your payments.

If you have any questions, please contact us.