Pastoral Care

We provide a safe and supportive environment where students care and look out for each other. Students are encouraged to seek help and assistance when they need it from either senior students, Mentor Teachers, Senior Leadership Team or our Guidance Counsellors. 

Communication with home is important. Mentor teachers will be the first link with home, supported by the Deans and Senior Leadership Team.

Personal interviews can be arranged on request with the any staff member and we actively encourage regular communication with parents and caregivers through e-mail. Individual staff e-mail addresses are published on the staff page of the website. 

​​​​​​​Bullying is not tolerated and anti-social behaviour is firmly challenged.

Pastoral Care

The student's mentor teacher is the first point of call and provides a key resource in addressing both the curricular and pastoral needs of students.  The pastoral issues covered include peer support, physical and emotional wellbeing,  positive relationships and goal setting.  

Students are allocated to a Junior or Senior mentor group consisting of a small group of Year 9 and 10 or Year 11, 12 and 13 students and meet with their Mentor Teacher every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  The pastoral care of students is also provided by the Senior Leadership Team and year level Deans.

School Counsellors

Our School Counsellors provide a confidential service to students and/or whānau. Counselling helps rangatahi to gain insight into what’s happening for them, learn strategies, set goals, make decisions, and support mental health.

Our counsellors have access to community resources, information and networks to support wellbeing.

Please email


Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour [RTLB’s] work intensively with referred students who exhibit learning or behavioural difficulties and assist teaching staff develop effective classroom strategies.​​​​​​​

Support contacts

If your young person needs to talk about things, please inform their Mentor Teacher or alternatively, the following members of our Guidance Team:

Mr Simon Fuller Principal
Mrs Maree Patten Associate Principal
Ms Gina Speedy Guidance Counsellor
Chelsea Fenwick Deputy Principal
Mr Antony Oliver Assistant Principal
Mr Joshua Hutchings Assistant Principal