
Volunteering while at school is a great way to develop life and work-related skills and it is a great way to contribute to your community.  It can help promote you when applying for a University Scholarship or Halls application.  It could help you become more employable when you start looking for an apprenticeship or full-time employment.​​​​​​​

How to find a volunteering placement:

  • Look on volunteer listing websites, (links below).
  • Find a business you would really like to be part of and approach them directly to see if you can help them out. 
  • Think about how you could do your job role of choice for different companies e.g. social media / communications for a local charity, small business, or a club.
  • Volunteer to work with youth, the elderly, cultural or sports groups.

​​​​​​​Make the most of your volunteer position, treat it like you would any professional job:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions OR to put your hand up for additional projects / opportunities.
  • Get to know other volunteers (think of them as colleagues)
  • Honour your commitments
  • Look for ways (where appropriate / achievable) to help out other team members
  • Put in your best effort to your assigned tasks​​​​​​

Volunteering Opportunities:

  • Featherston Foodbank
  • Friendsof O’connors Bush
  • Greytown MenzShed
  • Huha
  • SPCA
  • StarJam
  • Stonehenge Aotearoa
  • Wairarapa Tourism- Masterton and Martinborough i-site

If you are interested in Volunterring in any of the above please see Ms Butler-Peck or Sharon in the Careers Department in T2.

Student Volunteer Army

Joining the Student Volunteer Army is a great option to gain experience and develop life and work-related skills. 

The SVA Service Award is a national award programme where secondary school students record their voluntary service in their school, family or local community.

The students work towards Bronze, Silver, and Gold badges to acknowledge the awesome work they are doing for others.